In this month’s interview, RDJ shares how yoga has helped him find a sense of peace and purpose in life.
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What is spirituality? Is it a feeling or a state of being? Is it a matter of beliefs and disbelief? Or is it something deeper? If you ask Robert Downey Jr., it is something that only he can answer. “Spirituality is the only thing that can cure all of the self-destructive and self-sabotaging patterns we seem to have,” he told the Huffington Post. “It is the only thing that can reveal the inherent goodness within.”
Since everyone (well, almost everyone) is raving about the new Avengers movie, we thought it only fair to extend the Tony Stark/Iron Man love to all of our fellow lovers of yoga.
A few months ago, Robert Downey Jr. was on the cover of Men’s Fitness magazine, talking about his collaboration with one of Los Angeles’ most famous yogis, Vinny Marino. Many celebrities practice yoga (Madonna, Jennifer Aniston, Sting, to name a few), but Downey’s experience with yoga is inspiring because it helped him balance mentally and spiritually and overcome his addiction.
Recently, in an interview with TIME magazine, it was revealed that Downey practices power flow yoga with Marino and that each class helps him feel calm, reflective and peaceful. It’s not the first time we’ve heard stories about how yoga helps people overcome addiction, but it’s always good to hear that it plays an important role in developing spirituality and a positive outlook on life.
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